2007年8月12日 星期日


發信人: 諾伊斯
2007-08-12 12:35:51
這篇是引用自:American Lung Association

配料融紡創造小束纖維共同組成的"玻璃棉" .
洩漏可控制與利用housewrap ,嵌縫密封面洩漏.

玻纖可造成瘙癢,由於機械刺激,從纖維. 這是不是一種過敏反應的物質.
呼吸纖維可刺激呼吸道,導致咳嗽和喉嚨沙啞. 有些人很敏感纖維,而另一些則不能.
這些標籤必須按美國職業安全和健康管理( 1921 )的基礎上作出的決定是由國際癌症研究機構(癌症)和國家毒理學計劃( 0.01 ) .
· 1994年上市的ntp玻纖為"合理預期將一種人類致癌物質"基於動物的資料.
· 1998 -美國會議治精神病工業衛生審查現有的文獻資料,並得出結論玻璃棉是"致癌實驗動物在一個較高的劑量,由幹線( s )的治化,在網站( s )的學式( s )或機制增活力( s )如果不考慮相關工人暴露" .
· 1999年和1921年製造volunta -端商定的方式來控制風險工作,以避免發炎. 作為一個結果, 1921年曾表示,它不打算規範暴露玻纖絕緣材料. 自願協議,稱為健康與安全的夥伴關係計劃,包括建議書暴露水平1.0纖維每立方厘米(六/消委會)的基礎上, 8小時工作日,並提供全面的工作習慣.
2000年美國國家科學院( nas )的報道說,流行病學研究玻璃纖維製造業工人表示, "玻· 璃纖維似乎不會增加患呼吸道系統癌症" . 耳塞支持接觸限值為1.0纖維/消委會表示,已建議業自90年代初.
· 2001年隸屬於工作組修訂了其先前的分類玻璃棉是一種可能致癌物. 這是目前被認為無法歸類為一種人類致癌物質. 做研究,在過去15年,自上次報告發布後,並沒有提供足夠的證據來聯繫這方面的材料,增加患癌症的風險.

可以肯定的"聰明工作"時insta -暢銷玻纖絕緣在你的家.
· 穿太緊,長袖衣服和長褲.
· 不帶袖子褲或在手腕或腳踝. · 戴上手套.
· 不劃傷或碰你的皮膚如玻璃粒子積聚在你的皮膚.
· 當你讀完,洗淨皮膚或淋浴與溫和的肥皂和熱情,有了自來水.
· 戴安全眼鏡一面盾牌.
· 戴上一頂帽子.
· 不要揉眼睛,而你正與玻璃纖維. 確保完成清理前擦你的眼睛或劃傷你的皮膚.
如果你體驗刺激鼻子,嘴巴或喉嚨,你應該考慮佩戴一個字母" n 95 "的微粒呼吸器批准,由國家職業安全和健康.
· 保持你的工作環境清潔.
· 不處理廢棄玻璃超過必要的. 有一個垃圾桶或者塑料垃圾袋結束時刻.
· 使用正確的刀具等尖銳事業刀及直邊.
· 清洗時,你的工作領域,將有機有為你的方法,使你不蔓延纖維放回方面,你已經洗了以前.
· 確保所有安裝隔熱從未離開暴露在一個被佔領的地區. 如果絕緣沒有任何防護罩還是正面,它有可能造成刺激性,未來任何直接接觸,玻璃纖維. 如果絕緣了紙張或薄膜覆蓋,它是一個潛在的火災隱患.
· 轉變工作衣服後,你讀完你的玻璃纖維保溫工程.
· 洗工作服分開和掃除洗週期後,就完成了.
· 如同任何其他建材玻璃纖維絕緣已被清潔及乾燥. 如果絕緣是濕的,它可以成為含有黴菌.

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Facts About Fiberglass
What is Fiberglass
Is Fiberglass Insulation Safe?
What Steps Do I Take To Reduce Exposure?
Installation and Clean-Up

What is Fiberglass

Fiberglass is a man-made product that is composed of natural ingredients such as sand and recycled products such as window glass and bottles. The ingredients are melted and spun to create small strands of fiberglass that together form "glass wool".

Fiberglass insulation has been used since the 1930s and is now the most widely used home insulator. As an energy saver, fiberglass insulation saves the consumer money and helps keep buildings warm in winter and cool in the summer. Insulation saves energy and reduces the demand for new power plants, which reduces emissions of air pollutants to the environment and helps prevent global warming. To maximize energy efficiency, it is important to reduce air leaks that may occur around any areas in your home that are not sealed. These may include windows; doors; fireplaces; heating, ventilation and air conditioning ductwork; and perimeter joints. Leaks can be controlled with the use of housewrap, caulking and sealing of areas with leaks.

Fiberglass insulation also helps control noise in buildings, cars, and appliances. Fiberglass insulation is commonly used in furnaces and duct systems that deliver air to occupied buildings and homes and effectively minimizes transmission of noise.

Is Fiberglass Insulation Safe?

Yes, fiberglass building insulation is safe when it is properly installed.

Direct contact with fiberglass materials or exposure to airborne fiberglass dust may irritate the skin, eyes, nose and throat. Fiberglass can cause itching due to mechanical irritation from the fibers. This is not an allergic reaction to the material. Breathing fibers may irritate the airways resulting in coughing and a scratchy throat. Some people are sensitive to the fibers, while others are not. Fiberglass insulation packages display cancer warning labels. These labels are required by the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) based on determinations made by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) and the National Toxicology Program (NTP).

1994- NTP listed fiberglass as "reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen" based on animal data.
1998- The American Conference of Govern- mental Industrial Hygienists reviewed the available literature and concluded glass wool to be "carcinogenic in experimental animals at a relatively high dose, by route(s) of administra- tion, at site(s), of histologic type(s) or by mechanism(s) that are not considered relevant to worker exposures".
1999- OSHA and the manufacturers volunta- rily agreed on ways to control workplace exposures to avoid irritation. As a result, OSHA has stated that it does not intend to regulate exposure to fiberglass insulation. The voluntary agreement, known as the Health & Safety Partnership Program includes a recom- mended exposure level of 1.0 fiber per cubic centimeter (f/cc) based on an 8-hour workday and provides comprehensive work practices.
2000- The National Academy of Sciences (NAS) reported that epidemiological studies of glass fiber manufacturing workers indicate "glass fibers do not appear to increase the risk of respiratory system cancer". The NAS supported the exposure limit of 1.0 f/cc that has been the industry recommendation since the early 1990s.
2001- The IARC working group revised their previous classification of glass wool being a possible carcinogen. It is currently considered not classifiable as a human carcinogen. Studies done in the past 15 years since the previous report was released, do not provide enough evidence to link this material to any cancer risk.

What Steps Can I Take to Reduce Exposure?
There are several ways you can minimize exposure to fiberglass material. Be sure to "work smart” when insta- lling fiberglass insulation in your home. Follow similar safety steps any time you remove fiberglass insulation or undertake a home improvement project that involves working with or around fiberglass insulation.

During installation follow the directions on the package as well as these safety steps:


Wear loose-fitting, long-sleeved clothing and long pants.
Do not tape sleeves or pants at wrists or ankles.
Wear gloves.
Do not scratch or rub your skin if fiberglass particles accumulate on your skin.
When you finish, wash skin or shower with mild soap and warm, running water.

Wear safety glasses with side shields.
Wear a hat.
Do not rub your eyes while you are working with fiberglass. Be sure to complete clean up before rubbing your eyes or scratching your skin.
Nose, Mouth, and Throat

If you experience irritation of the nose, mouth, or throat you should consider wearing an "N 95" particulate respirator approved by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. If you are working in a dusty environ- ment, or are working with fiberglass insulation overhead, a disposable dust respirator may be a good idea. Be sure to read and follow the respirator manufacturer's instructions regarding selection and proper use of respirators. Most home improvement stores sell these types of disposable respirators.

Installation and Clean-Up

Follow these steps and be sure to read and follow manufacturer's instructions carefully.

Keep your workspace clean.
Do not handle fiberglass scrap more than necessary. Have a waste bin or plastic trash bag close by at all times.
Use correct cutting tools such as a sharp utility knife and a straight edge.
When cleaning your work area, be orga- nized in your approach so that you do not spread fibers back into an area you have cleaned previously.
Make sure all installed insulation is never left exposed in an occupied area. If the insulation does not have any protective covering or facing, it may cause irritation to anyone coming into direct contact with the glass fibers. If the insulation has a paper or foil covering it presents a potential fire hazard.
Change work clothes after you finish your fiberglass insulation project.
Wash work clothes separately and wipe out washer after cycle is complete.
As with any other building material the fiberglass insulation has to be clean and dry. If insulation is wet, it can become contaminated with mold.
If a remodeling project involves removal of fiberglass insulation, follow the installa- tion safety steps listed above.