2012年7月12日 星期四

20120712新聞:世界上最安靜地方 吸音率九成九==>阿不就無響室咩

世界上最安靜地方 吸音率九成九


在「暗房」內待過45分鐘的美國小說家佛依(George Foy)曾投書英國《衛報》表示,「大約兩分鐘後,我開始聽到自己呼吸,於是我刻意屏住呼吸,但卻又聽見自己心跳,甚至還聽到血液在血管內流動的聲音,等到我聽到自己頭骨上的頭皮移動所發出的聲音,莫名感覺湧上心頭,那種聲音彷彿就像金屬互刮發出的聲音。」
我猜那CUT-OFF FREQUENCY應該不會只是低於80Hz
BACKGROUND NOISE-9.4dBA==>台灣何時才能建一間???


In Minneapolis, the world's quietest room

by Tom Weber, Minnesota Public Radio
10:50 AM, April 3, 2012
10:45 AM, June 21, 2012

This morning, we're talking about noise pollution and the negative health affects it can cause. In Minneapolis' Seward neighborhood, you can find the world's quietest room.
The room, which holds the Guinness World Record designation, is located in the Orfield Laboratories. The recording studios where "Funkytown" and Bob Dylan's "Blood on the Tracks" were recorded are also in this building.
The world's quietest room is called an anechoic chamber, which means there is no echo as it absorbs sound. Sound doesn't bounce off the walls the way it does in a regular room.
A typical quiet room you sleep in at night measures about 30 decibels. A normal conversation is about 60 decibels. This room has been measured at -9 decibels.
Orfield Labs uses the room to test products, including switches that go on car dashboards and the sound an LED display makes on a cell phone to make sure they're not too loud.
To get into the anechoic chamber, you go through two bank vault-like doors. The floor in the room is mesh like a trampoline so there's nothing on the floor for the sound to bounce off of. The walls are lined with sound-proofing wedges that are a meter long so they absorb the sound.
"When you sit in any rooms a person normally sits in, you hear the sound and all its reflections," said Steven Orfield, president of Orfield Labs. "When you go into an anechoic chamber, there are zero reflections. So if you listen to me talk and hear my voice, you're hearing my voice exactly. And if I turn around and talk, the only thing you'll hear is the sound bending around my head."